10 fun facts about Michelangelo's David - The Florence Insider (2025)

There’s more to Michelangelo’s David than being one of the most famous sculptures in the world, made by one of the greatest artists in history. To Florence, that carved marble block symbolizes much more than artistic mastery, and it would be a mistake to consider it just another tourist attraction. Yes, David is a symbol of the Renaissance, but above all he is the symbol of Florence.

For more than 500 years, the people of Florence have endured battles with their own Goliaths, and it is their enduring belief in independence that connects them with the story of David. So I have collected these intriguing fun facts about Michelangelo’s David for you, to hopefully inspire you to visit him in person and learn more… Maybe even on a guided tour of the Accademia Gallery, where the original statue is displayed, with me.

Here are all my best tips for visiting the Accademia Gallery in Florence.

10 fun facts about Michelangelo's David - The Florence Insider (1)

…but first, here are some basic information:

How tall is Michelangelo’s David? And how much does it weight?

Here are some numbers to have an idea of the size, dimensions and weight of the statue.

  • Weight: 12,478.16 lbs, that is 5660 kg, or 6.2 US tons
  • Height: 13ft 4in, that is 4.07 meters (plus a base of 3’6” or 1.07m)
  • Material: White Carrara marble
  • When was made. Michelangelo worked on David from September 9, 1501 to September 8, 1504 (exactly 3 years!)

There are so many stories hidden behind the marble muscles of this sculpture! I could talk for hours about Michelangelo and his David, and indeed I do, during my guided tours! Here you will find 10 fun facts about David by Michelangelo, but during my guided tours of the Accademia Gallery I will tell you much more stories, facts and information. I will also show you other Renaissance works, paintings and sculptures exhibited at the museum.

  • Did you know that in the Accademia Gallery Museum, in addition to David, there are 5 other statues by Michelangelo?
10 fun facts about Michelangelo's David - The Florence Insider (2)

10 Fun Facts about Michelangelo’s David

1 – Unlikely most of the statues of David made by other artist’s, Michelangelo’s David is depicted before the fight against Goliath. We can guess that because he holds a stone in his hand and has a worried expression. Michelangelo represented him in the moment just before the battle.

2 – The statue was almost placed on a buttress in Brunelleschi’s dome in the Duomo, but the commission of artists tasked with finding a home for David eventually decided on the Piazza della Signoria in front of the Palazzo Vecchio instead.

3- Leonardo di Vinci, rival of Michelangelo, proposed putting it out of the way in a niche inside of the Loggia dei Lanzi. The darkest and less visible corner of Piazza della Signoria. Even the greatest men can suffer from envy.

4 – Michelangelo wrote a short poem upon completing this sculpture, “David with the frombola, and I with the bow.” The frombola is David’s sling, and the bow refers to a sculptor’s hand drill, which is used for finishing details. They both used these tools to finish monumental tasks.

5 – Michelangelo is thought to have used a model for the face of the hero, but we do not know who he is. Actually nobody knows, because Michelangelo did not want David to be seen by anyone before it was completed. He worked in total privacy for 3 years, and only showed the statue once it was finished.

6 – David has heart-shaped pupils. Statues often have a slit in the pupils, to give them some depth, but they are just simple, vertical slits. David’s eyes instead have clearly heart-shaped pupils. The reason why and what they are symbolizing remain a mystery. You can give your own interpretation of this detail.

7 – David wasn’t meant to be just plain, marble white. Some details of the statue were originally covered with gold: the hair, lips, sling, and the trunk at his feet. Unfortunately the golden coat was lost after just a few years.

8 – Initially, David had wreaths of golden brass leaves woven into the sling belt and around his head. Also those accessories unfortunately got lost after a short time.

9 – The very first damage (of many ones) that David suffered was in 1512, when it was struck by a lightning bolt that cracked the base of the statue. The lightning created invisible cracks in the left ankle area.

10 – In 1527 during a revolt, a bench was thrown from one of the windows of the Palazzo Vecchio that hit David’s left arm, breaking it into several pieces. The restoration that followed was carried out by Giorgio Vasari and Francesco Salviati, devoted fans of Michelagelo’s work.

Talking about Michelangelo…

  • If you like reading, you may also be interest into my favorite books about Michelangelo!

Instead, talking about fun facts…

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  • Fun facts about Leonardo da Vinci

I also made an infographic showing graphically some fun facts about Michelangelo’s David. You’re more than welcome to share it!

10 fun facts about Michelangelo's David - The Florence Insider (4)

Books about David and Michelangelo:

10 fun facts about Michelangelo's David - The Florence Insider (5)

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10 fun facts about Michelangelo's David - The Florence Insider (2025)


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